Your parents sounds a bit like mine. Particularly my Mom. To her religion comes first in her life - even over family. She wasn't there for my daughter's first birthday, or her second, or her third. Even when I invited her several months in advance for the day and time I planned to have cake and icecream for her. Could she simply show up for it? No - She had other stuff to do. I could go on and on how many times she's blown me off for something she's doing for someone in her church or for her church.
Not only that - My younger brother was the baby in the family and was spoiled. She will throw money his way whenever he needs it but she rarely pays attention to any money stresses we have (even when hubby is incapacitated for 6 months and UNABLE to work). Sorry for any bitterness you may sense here.
Mostly I have determined to not let it bother me and not COUNT on her for anything. I have grown many good friendships with good people I know. Some who are nearly as old as my parents and Mentor me as a parent would sometimes. They are willing to be there for special events for me and my family and don't back out at the last minute like my mother. In a sense they take the place of family for me. They are people I love and who love me. I want LOVE in my life and if my mother chooses to give hers to church and my brother and I get the crumbs, than so be it. I will gladly receive the crumbs that she throws my way and turn to my friends for whatever remainder I may need.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.
Last edited by raeanna74; 06-18-2004 at 08:25 PM..