Music is a lifeline for me as well. I have a broad taste in music and can usually find something from every genre that I like.
Spiritually, music grounds me and keeps me sane. When I feel like life is getting to be too much, when I feel as if I have stepped over the edge of tolerance where I can no longer handle what life is throwing at me, I listen to music and it brings forth all the hope and promise of a better tomorrow that I need.
I am an Empath, have been all my life. Did not leave my house for two years at one point because I could not control the emotions that flooded over me whenever I was in public. Music helped me to learn to stay calm and block out all the other emotions floating around and focus instead on my own. There is great power in music and that power seems divinely inspired: How else could music have such force and such affect on so many?
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!