"Elusive" 11th dungeon... hah.
In a modern game, I'd say "cool", but in Zelda... bah. Half the "hidden" stuff in that game was irritating as hell to find.
You basically had to waste your time on EACH screen by either 1. burning everything (trees), 2. bombing everything (walls), or 3. pushing everything (rocks) to try and find the randomly placed hidden stairs/cave.
Of course, once you know the location it's not so bad, but still... to say "Here's a block of 10x10 trees.. let's place the hidden stairs on the.. 4th tree from the left on the top row." or "Let's have 5 screens in a row that take place under the side of a cliff. Let's place the hidden cave on screen 3, 7 tiles from the left!"
Tedioussssssss and not fun. I'm not saying the game itself wasn't fun, but finding the extras certainly wasn't.
I love lamp.