boy meets girl, boy would like input
There is this girl I kinda had a thing for. We started talking because of a mutual friend (her age) and I got to talk to her for a few months. We still didn't know each other very well and didn't really keep in contact. We didn't see each other for a few months because she is a grade 12 highschool student and I'm in university.
On her prom night, I went with the mutual friend as a friend-date. I didn't see the girl all night except when the last dance of the night was about to begin, she found me and asked me to dance. She too had went with a friend-date who I know she considers as no more than a friend. After that, we got some pictures and I got her e-mail. Later on we talked, and I mentioned how I'd just seen a certain movie. She said she wanted to see the movie but had spent a lot recently and didn't feel like spending more at the moment. I suggested that we go together, and I'd pay for her ticket, and gave a flexible range of days. She said she'd get back to me on that, and we moved on to another topic. Ofcourse, she never gave me an answer, so I assume she isn't interested. She hasn't gave me a reason or said anything else about it. We still talk though.
I am thinking that she isn't interested and I should settle with being friends, which isn't that bad. We are a lot alike and I although I think she'd make a good friend, I would prefer something more.
Do you think I'm correct, or is there still a reasonable chance for something more? What made me ask her to the movie was her approaching me at the dance. We didn't really know each other well, and hadn't spoken in a long time, yet she wanted to dance with me for the last dance of her prom when she had plenty of male friends available. She isn't very outgoing so I took it to mean that she was interested in me. I was probably wrong, but it could also be that I moved too quickly. It is possible that she wanted to get to know me better first, because she isn't one to make quick decisions and she is reluctant to do things without thinking it through carefully.
In any case, how should I continue from here? Just accept that we're going to be friends and continue at that? Or get to know her better and try to ask her out again? If she isn't interested, I don't want to lose her as a friend, but if I make another move, I don't know if she might think I will never settle with being friends and not want to be friends.