Originally posted by Chug
hm... if I was the president of America, I wouldn't snub the Canadians in return for them not joining in the war. Instead, why not just improve on the relationship between the US and Canada by Bush coming to Ottawa and showing how Americans are open-minded people, and are willing to reconcile differences, instead of choosing to snub back at people/nations who have different opinions than the US.
Excellent point in my opinion. Cancelling the trip and then the very next day inviting the Australian president is just going to make things worse.
To be quite honest, I am quite happy that Mr. Bush cancelled his trip, but the reason I feel this way is because the NDP and some Alliance members were promising to heckle and boo him as he addressed the Canadian Parliament. THat would have been totaly unappropriate behaviour in my opinion and would have cause irrepairable damage to already fragile Canada-US relations.
About the poll. I totally dispute the results. I think that if a proper nationwide poll was taken there would be a response more in line with 'Close but with some problems'. At least thats how I feel.