Originally posted by wallace1
OK, so I need some advice. Or, maybe I just need to vent, but here goes.
There is this seriously HOT girl that I work with that sits right in front of me. She is here for the summer and we have developed a very flirty relationship. She is a sophomore in college and I have since graduated for a few years now. She has made it very clear that were she to get involved that it would only be without committment as she is going back to school in September and does not desire a long distance relationship. I have a girlfriend and do not wish to hurt her but in being truthful I totally want to fool around with this girl. What to do, what to do? I do not consider myself a pig but I dig this girl and the situation seems to be ideal. Suggestions? .
Take an extremely cold shower in the Arctic Ocean, and then put on a chastity belt and swallow the key.
If you're even considering cheating on your girlfriend it means you don't truly love her or respect her if you're willing to throw away that relationship for a brief fling with someone who wants no sort of attachment whatsoever.