No law says you have to feel happy all the time. Sometimes a good cry is the best thing for you.
But keep things in perspective.
1. Your mom. She's got medical care right now. Breast cancer has a pretty good survival rate, and she's a young woman. She was foolish for not taking better care of herself, but that's on her not you. What you can do is support her in the road ahead. Depending on what the diagnosis is, it might not be an easy one. Just do what you can to make it easier. But take care of yourself to.
2. The fender. It was an accident. I could have happened to anyone. You aren't stupid for doing it. Don't beat yourself over it, a dented fender is not the end of the world. The responsible thing is to have it fixed -- which you are doing. It may not happen over night, long as you get it done.
3. Hawaii vs your education. While a vacation in Hawaii sounds nice, you are improving yourself, which is good, it's a good decision to get a jump on your education, especially since you want to transfer schools eventually. Besides, if you were in Hawaii, you would not be able to be there for you mother right now, everything happens for a reason, consider those summer classes a blessing.
Your courage comes from you, not outsides sources. You are stronger than you think you are. Rely on yourself.
4. Driving. It's a phobia for sure. Ask your self what's the worst thing that could happen, and what's the probability of that really happening. If you are driving yourself you are facing your fears which is awesome, it gets easier every day. Just take a deep breath and focus on the driving, your fears will lessen.
You might also ask about carpooling with someone, or keep a lucky charm in the car with you so you won't feel so alone, a picture of your boyfriend, a stuffed animal, something that gives you some happiness.
Hang in there....
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.