It is a hard time on anyone, but especially someone who's parents are jackasses. Don't mean to offend.
I understand that religion is important, but for your parents to overlook an 18 year in the making achievement just because they don't approve of your boyfriend, for reasons that I also don't agree with, is a really horrible thing. Couldn't they go to the ceremony and sat in a different section of the building?
I also find it hard to swallow that your friends would also turn their backs on you because you left the church. From this example, it tells me that the people of your religion are very stuck up and judgemental- two things that have nothing to do with religion in my opinion. Please remember that I do not mean to offend, but am just commenting on the way your parents and friends seem from your examples.
It makes me very upset to see people miss out on important events in life due to the religious implications. I know many teenagers that attend my mother's church that were not allowed to go to their prom because of religion, but these children wanted to badly! And frankly, I don't see it written anywhere in the Bible that "Thou shalt not dance and hang out with friends." These are some of the greatest memories that teenagers make, and to miss out on prom and graduation sucks.
If it had happened to me, I would march right up to my parents and tell them what I thought of them. I don't know much about Jehovah's Witnesses, but I am sure it does not involve seeing yourself as so much better than everyone else that you shun your own daughter. And your friends- well, don't get me started on that.
It is a sad time when any religion makes people so self righetous- a big reason I don't attend church anymore. I am very sorry to hear that you had such a horrible graduation. I also hope that your boyfriend is good to you, because it unfortunatley sounds like he is going to be the only person there for you.
You don't know from fun.