Drugs tend to be more necessary and effective with major psychological problems. People who are bipolar, schizophrenic, depressed to the point they refuse to get out of bed every day, are some of the major ones. The therapy approach is best to start with if you can function for a while in the state you are in. It depends on the person and circumstance, ultimately.
I only object if drugs are the only thing prescribed for what are minor problems, in some cases. Relying on these types of drugs can have long term consequences. I wouldn't recommend being on them unless absolutely necessary. That said, there are still people who need them to go about their daily lives. One fact I find amusing is the commercials that say there MIGHT be a correlation between a chemical imbalance and a particular disorder. Some of the disorders aren't even understood well enough to prescribe a cure. I'd read up on the medicines, regardless of what a psychiatrist might try to sell you on. Many times they get incentives from the drug companies, especially if they work out of hospitals. Psychology has a long way to go before it becomes a hard science.