to whoever said theres no major storyline like in the other FF games. You are wrong.
The good side, is that there is a very large story line, the bad saide is, it takes FOREVER to reveal.
Seriously you have to get rank 10 and beat the last boss to get whats going on. You probably didn't get to the part about the crystal warriors, or the shadow lord, or what purpose the crags serve. Dynamis, in itself has its own thing going for it as well.
And for those people who are sick of finding parties, you need to get a "set party" a group of people that you can rely upon to party with you and only you. Set a schedule, 8pm pst to midnight pst.
I'm in a very very organized linkshell, We do eco warrior and garrison each week like clockwork. Its a well oiled machine. Its just up to you to establish a foundation for your gaming experience, otherwise yeah, freelancers are bound to get irritated as they get up in levels and have to beg for party spaces.
if you wanna see the crystal warriors
run it in demo mode.