That is a clever way to funnel funds isn't it? Really, in this day and age, that'd be a fun way to slip money away. Purposly not fix holes in a system destined to be abused. Let the money flow like water through a seive, airline takes money, airline happy. It's not like they'd be in business without bailouts. For reasons not understood by me, the airline industry is unable to make money. Why is that?
The DOD should be better with it's money. It's amazing anyone in government was albe to figure out Enron.
It's sad that government jobs attract so many lazy people looking to screw the system. Government jobs are seen as fat cash cows with lots of perks, and no reason to really work. It's sad that between regulation, layers and layers of beurocracy, god knows what else, the government is where non-performers go to work.
I think the exception is the armed services, they can't not deal with fools, they'd get everyone killed. The armed forces must be the last bastion of common sense in the government. (Not that they don't screw up, but in the army if you're an idiot, they tell you to your face.)
Government should be a place where highly competent people feel honor in working for the common good of thier neighbors.
Too many feel it's a place to take advantage of those same citizens they serve.
Shame on them.
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."