Location: Australia, Perth
The Perfect Vagina (NSFW)
The Perfect Vagina
Interesting article, ,mainly bullshit points, some maybe valid.
For instance, the censorship issues causing males to be visually discrimanated against leading to increased expectations in the female form, is an interesting point. Mainly because of the effect on teenage boys i guess.
Although the rest of it is rather humourous. I doubt any guy is really that critical
Anyway, there now appears to be another size matters for women. Cause it's favourable for women to have smaller vaginas
Anyway, my dick is not really symmetrical or neat or whatever (in my humble opinon ); so myself and i imagine most other guys, wouldn't really care too much about it.
As we all know, looks are important when it comes to the female body; there is no denying that fact. The way a female looks, is the representation of health and beauty. In addition, it all comes down to the reproduction capabilities of the female. Usually healthy females, whom developed properly. Where her body was moulded ideally and symmetrically tend to produce healthy offspring and that is what males seek unconsciously from females, its all-primal instincts.
Women are the beautiful gender, in that they are the keepers of the shapely bodies, which by design, peoples attention is drawn instantly to a beautiful woman. At the same time, it can be a burden to some women. There is one area of the female body, that either attracts or rejects males and that is the female reproductive organ.
Some women are blessed with genitalia that are clean and smooth typically, what is considered attractive. While others are not so lucky and end up having genitalia, which is not very attractive, in essence they have genitalia that are ugly and unsightly. This is one point, which is very apparent through out centuries. Where it can be seen in great works such as past and present sculptures, which tend to deny the existence of female genitalia.
Many sculptors failed to carve out the female vulva, because in many cases the female subject that is posing, will not poses a genital that is appealing or attractive. This is why so many ancient sculptures do not have female genitals carved out. Other factors also involve that people used to think that looking directly at ugly or unsightly female genitals would lead to blindness. Many political leaders ordered for the non-carving of vulvas of sculptures depicting the female body.
Preferred vaginal looks by 96% of men
Inner lips
Should not protrude past the outer lips and should not be excessively long or asymmetrical.
Outer lips
Should be well formed and smooth, forming an arched look with very small amount of hair follicles.
It should be tight or snug, small in size with a pink colour tone.
Clitoris and hood
Should not be excessively big or small and hood should not be too large or thick.
In times that are more modern the same ideals remain, but they are more subject to female inadequacy of not being able to compete with women who have better-looking genitalia. Many women’s groups tend to impose dictatorial guidelines prohibiting men from viewing female genitalia or for that fact the female body.
Men do have visual discrimination imposed on them by women imposing laws prohibiting men from viewing the female body in the public venue. Even something as simple as female breast exposure is strictly prohibited to men from viewing. Both males and female have breasts and nipples, it is just considered bad for men to view female nudity in public due to visual discrimination as oppose to women who are freer to view a higher amount of male nudity in public.
All this censorship has lead to the creation of the ideal female form, which men seek as a standard in the female body. Since men are visually discriminated against, when it comes to looking at the female body. They seek alternative ways to catch a glimpse of the female form and the easiest and most common medium is magazines featuring female nudes.
Men and boys have been forced to seek these alternatives through forceful censorship, and these alternatives build a mental image of what the ideal standard of female beauty should be. The women featured in magazines do represent women who do not have any abnormalities and are perfect. Consequently men prefer these women as an ideal standard for how women should look when it comes to their bodies.
The more censorship society imposes on males getting access to see the female body; it raises the standard of beauty in the female form. Where men tend to prefer women with big and perky breasts and the vagina needs to be clean and smooth. The inner vaginal lips should not protrude past the outer lips, they should be symmetrical and even. The vagina should be small and tight with a pink hue or pink interior walls to it and lastly the female body should be shapely with beautiful facial features.
The vast majority of men, accounting for 96% of males, have pre set ideal in what the vagina of their partner should look like; the entire male population seeks women who have a vagina with the following characteristics:
The labia majora (outer vaginal lips) should be well formed, they should be perfectly round forming an ached look between the legs. These lips should be free from dimples, warts, crevices, wrinkles and colour discrepancies without excessive hair follicles (men tend to view excessive hair as a male characteristic). The closer a female has her labia majora to these ideals, the more attractive her genitalia become to males, viewing it as something normal.
The labia minora (inner vaginal lips) should not protrude past the outer vaginal lips. Almost all males do not like the look of long inner vaginal lips. Long inner vaginal lips are deformities of the female reproductive organ and men do not like these abnormalities to be present on the female body. The inner lips should reside hidden by the outer lips, they should also be symmetrical in length and shape. Having a labium that is asymmetrical is once again a deformity of the female genitalia. Perfectly developed women will always have symmetrical labia minora, which do no protrude past the outer lips; they will also have labia minora that are smooth and even without excessive folds or crevices and wrinkles. The inner lips should be free from any presence of hair and should take on a pink colour tone, slight colour variations will vary between ethnic groups. The inner lips should not be thick or have darkening at the tips. This ideal is ever so becoming as something that men want and desire in the female form.
The clitoris should not be excessively long, but at the same time, it should not be hidden from view; many men find it arousing to see the clitoris becoming erected as it shows function of the female reproductive organ. There is one increasing ideal that men are seeking and that is being able to see the glans of the clitoris with a small hood. The hood should not fully cover the entire clitoris and it should not be thick or dark with flaps of skin hanging everywhere. Most men prefer a clean even look.
The size of the vagina should be small, almost all men would say that smaller is better, it provides pleasure to men, consequently they prefer a small vagina. They also prefer a small vagina, because genitalia is not the best looking part of the female body, so a small vaginal canal looks better and functions at optimal performance. It also represents health of the female. Healthy women will always have a tight and small vagina as she has maintained her vaginal tone, in essence she has taken care of her vagina and not neglected it. Size does matter, but its female size, which comes into play since many women do suffer a size alteration with their vaginas and most all men seek women with a healthy and tight vaginal tone.
These are the main characteristics that 96% of the male population seek on behalf of women. The ideal standards are becoming harder to reach, because men do place a lot of emphasis in looks and the female vagina is no exception to it. Men do seek women with good-looking genitals that function properly.
Men are not interested in female genitalia, which present deformities, although most men will have intercourse with a woman who presents some degree of labial deformations. They will not seek a long-term relation ship with her because of her abnormal vagina.
There is also the increasing problem that men ask their female counterparts to cover and conceal their vaginas from view either by asking then to wear some panties of some other garment, so they do not see their vagina when making love. This problem is getting so bad because men are not finding women with a vagina that they prefer; over half of the male population have asked their partner to cover their vagina from their view.
Many men do it because their partners vagina is simple not appealing to them one bit, so the emphasis in vaginal looks and function is extremely important to men.
So, what's your perfect vagina?