Re: 10 Canadians needed for School Project
1. abacus - abahkuss
2. adam - adum
3. again - ahgen
4. apple - apil
5. canopy - kanupee
6. collide - kolied
7. compete - kumpeet
8. correlate - korellate
9. explanation - eksplanehshun
10. fabulous - fabyouluss
11. financial - fainanshul
12. parade - paraid
13. preparation - preparehshun
14. reference - refrinse
15. subside - subside (no alt spelling came to mind)
16. succeed - suxeed
17. telephone - telifone
I'm Ryan, 23 years old. About to graduate university with BA in Speech Communication and East Asian Studies Option. I live in Waterloo, ON. Currently a security guard - have been a cook for last 5 years.
NOTE: made a point not to look at anyone else's replies before making my own
"If you're not weird, you're not interesting".
I'm very interesting ...
seizei; (adv - Japanese) at the most; at best; to the utmost; as much (far) as possible. (pronounced - say-zay)
Last edited by seizei; 06-14-2004 at 02:11 AM..