Originally posted by Jackebear
1. abacus - ab a cuss
2. adam - ad ame
3. again - a gain
4. apple - app le
5. canopy - can oh pee
6. collide - coh lide
7. compete - come peet
8. correlate - coro late
9. explanation - ex plan a shun
10. fabulous - fab u lus
11. financial - fine an ("ts" sound)iul
12. parade - par aid
13. preparation - pre par ashun
14. reference - refer ence
15. subside - sub side
16. succeed - suck seed
17. telephone - tell a phone
Hey there, my name's Greg, i'm 18 years old, I live in Edmonton, Alberta, and I am a part-time student and full time worker at Boosterjuice.
This was fun to do, the spaces in my words are the breaks in my pronunciation.