1. abacus - abikus
2. adam -adum
3. again - again
4. apple - apple
5. canopy - canapee
6. collide - collide
7. compete - compeet
8. correlate -corolate
9. explanation -explanation
10. fabulous - fabulus
11. financial -financhul
12. parade -paraid
13. preparation -preperashon
14. reference -refrence
15. subside -subside
16. succeed -sucseed
17. telephone - telefone
My name is Melissa. I am 20 years old, graduated 2 years ago and have about a year of general studies courses under my belt. Currently working in a customer care department for an airline in Calgary.
"Is it so small a thing to have enjoyed the sun, to have lived long in the spring, to have loved, to have thought, to have done."
-Matthew Arnold