1. abacus - abbahkuss
2. adam - addam
3. again - again
4. apple - apple
5. canopy - canapy
6. collide - colliide
7. compete - compeet
8. correlate -corelate
9. explanation - explanashon
10. fabulous - fabulus
11. financial - financial
12. parade -paraide
13. preparation - prepparation
14. reference - refferance
15. subside - subside
16. succeed - suceed
17. telephone - telefone
I'm 19, my name's Nicole, I just graduated high school less than a year ago, (with first class honours if that makes a difference at all) I'm currently living in Burnaby, and i work two jobs, one in a restaurant, the other in a Bakery in Save on Foods (overwaitea for those familiar with it)
Hope this helps