1. abacus - abbacus
2. adam - adam
3. again - again
4. apple - apple
5. canopy - canapy
6. collide - collide
7. compete - compete
8. correlate -correlate
9. explanation -explination
10. fabulous - fabalus
11. financial - finacial
12. parade -parade
13. preparation -preperation
14. reference -reference
15. subside - subside
16. succeed - succede
17. telephone - telefone
There you have it Jack. My name is Mark and I live in Calgary although I grew up in a small town west of Saskatoon. I'm 32 yrs old and currently work in Technical Sales and Marketing for a small software company. I have a diploma in Managment (from BC) and a Network Admin diploma (Alberta)... it's currently 1232 and I am sitting here in my robe drinking coffee, but maybe I have said too much.
Good luck with your project.
The Truth:
Johnny Cash could have kicked Bruce Lee's ass if he wanted to.
#3 in a series