Originally posted by asudevil83
damn....some people are dumb.
if someone thinks an iron cross is a swastica and then goes off and calls a complete stranger a nazi.....well they deserve to be embarrassed beyond belief.
what i would have done (mind you i'm not afraid to make a point) is have that lady go up to the next 10 people she saw and ask them what a swastica was, literally explain what it looks like. then proceed to embarass her more by telling these people how fucking dumb this stupid bitch is for thinking and doing what she did.
That's EXACTLY what I was thinking he should have done. What an idiot - stupid people make me mad.
I hope she goes home, looks up swastika on the internet, and is thoroughly embarassed of herself.
Of course, that would probably require her to be open to the idea she was wrong, which I doubt she was.