You are being paranoid.
Men are much more visual than women are, hence all the skin magazines and porn sites. If more women were visual, there'd actually be decent porn sites for women.
The mind is the greatest sexual organ. She may or may not be fantasizing about others, but really getting into what you are doing, and by keeping her eyes closed, she's enjoying it even more.
Blindfolds are extremely erotic because you can get into your own head, without knowing what's coming next. Get her to blindfold you -- our ask if you can blindfold her, that way you can control it a little more.
Ask her to talk to you, to tell you what she's thinking about. If she is having a fantasy, shared fantasies can be very erotic.
I'll bet the shiney Florida quarter sitting here on my desk, it's nothing you are doing at all, and she is thinking about you.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.