Originally posted by Latch
I used only Linux for around a year (RH7.3/RH8). It ran great for me, and taught me a lot. I didn't play games, so that wasn't a problem for me. What WAS a problem (and what made me go back to Windows) was that I lost all my settings (in my home dir and /etc) during a backup and reinstall when I got a new machine (stupid CD was bad, but burnt fine). After looking at how much data I had just lost, how many hours of vi-time and google-searching were down the drain, I said "screw it" and went to Windows. Also, Windows has a program to make my DVD-ROM region free (there's no RPC1 ROM out for it yet). I love Linux, and will probably run it in the future. For now though, I'm sticking to windows.
Not to say you should use one or the other by any means, but you do realize the same can easily happen in Windows as well and does right?
Let this be a warning to all COMPUTER users in general to always backup important data and do it often.
If running Linux you may want to consider making seperate partitions for /home - this can also help alleviate the risks involved.