Well I attended the local SCA park meet tonight. I haven't gone in like 2 years, but I was itchin for some sword play, so I got in touch w/ my old roomate in phoenix, and us 2 +his current roomate grabbed the shinai's and headed to the park. Got in some warm up time, I hadn't really fought anyone in a long time, so I am very rusty....I'm not that good to begin with. Anyways, took part in a little CTF melee's...which ended up frustrating me more than anything. A shinai is simply too short and too harsh of a weapon for this type of battle. The field is rulled by the pvc staffs. Plus when you hit too hard (against a weapon) with a shinai it is loud...and they frown on that. Fact is, you have to be forceful and aggressive against a staff bearer when all you have is a shinai. Not to mention the fact you aren't allowed to stab unless it has a padded tip. *sigh* perhaps I'll stick to 1 v 1 battles.
Sorrow is better than laughter,
because a sad face is good for the heart. -Ecclesiastes 7:3