Who are your most hated celebrities?
I was reading BuDDaH's thread about Jennifer Lopez (From "Jenny from the block" to "J-Lo, who has been around it afew"..) and I noticed that most people here on the TFP hate the shit out of her or could care less which moron she has married this week. So I thought I should start a "Most hated" or "I wish they would just go the #@&! away" thread. I'll start:
Avril Lavigne - Just shut your stupid whinny trap for God's sake.
Anna Nicole Smith - What? Who? Go away!
Madonna - Just die already and take that stupid british accent with you.
Ben Affleck - Mouth breather.
Julia Roberts - She is so wonderful! (Deep sarcasm).
Brittany Spears - Are your damn 15 minutes up yet?
The mother of mankind, what time his pride
Had cast him out from Heaven, with all his host
Of rebel Angels