Originally posted by Chingal0
tecoyah and ART, I agree.
From the sounds of it, the politics forum is a place where you should only post if you are totally positive that your addition to the topic will not harbor any negative thoughts/actions/etc.
Now, I know that is not the truth, but it just seems that alot of fury comes out of the politics forum, and why is that? I don't believe that I've ever posted there, but I do read it often enough.. and frankly I don't feel the need to post- either because someone has already expressed how I feel, or I'm indecisive in my feelings on the topic... I'm not real sure where this is going..
The part on policing oneself also is an excellent idea, but I feel that most people already do that, and it just takes a few people that have little control over their emotions to make the topic flare.
I would ask that you, PLEASE don't refrain from comment in TFpoiltics. The whole point of these forums, as far as I am concerned, is to understand the differing views we all have.
If anyone has the lack of judgement to give you grief for your opinion, PM a moderator....or myself for that matter. The individuals who Flame on this forum, generally are intellegent enough to listen to reason, and correct the offense.
The Mods have full plates I am sure....but they are more than willing to step in for the benefit of the community.
As far as the "Few" people....they don't last long, but are usually replaced within days, Think of it as entertainment.