Originally posted by Ilow
of course it does, although it is still part of the pectoralis, it is a slightly different part, (just as the upper portion that is hit by the incline press) and needs work as well to achieve maximum symmetry. I would recomend keeping the decline in any chest workout along with the aforementioned incline and flat presses and flys.
How does it?
Tell me, how decline bench press works the lower portion of the chest more than the others? If you can target this 'lower chest' area, how come people who just do decline don't have this part sticking out protruding way more than the other parts?
If you have a look at the chest anatomy, there's a clavical and sternal head. the sternal is most of the chest, which is already worked by flat.
Upper/lower portion is hit by different angles, but it is wrong to say incline/decline/anyotherangle isolates the upper/lower portion.