tecoyah and ART, I agree.
From the sounds of it, the politics forum is a place where you should only post if you are totally positive that your addition to the topic will not harbor any negative thoughts/actions/etc.
Now, I know that is not the truth, but it just seems that alot of fury comes out of the politics forum, and why is that? I don't believe that I've ever posted there, but I do read it often enough.. and frankly I don't feel the need to post- either because someone has already expressed how I feel, or I'm indecisive in my feelings on the topic... I'm not real sure where this is going..
The part on policing oneself also is an excellent idea, but I feel that most people already do that, and it just takes a few people that have little control over their emotions to make the topic flare.
"Eventually I became too sexy for my gym membership fee."