I applaud your thoughts and would like to add a couple of my own. First of all, please follow Phred's advice and use the Mods; that's what they're here for. I've only been viciously brutalized once on TFP, and it was over a negative opinion I expressed about pit bull dogs (how ironic is that?). I reported the problem to the Mods, and they swept through with Spic and Span, baby. When it comes to personal attacks, the Mods don't play.
Secondly, I can't pass up the opportunity to express my general dismay over the growing numbers in our society of people who feel they must actively stamp out anything they personally disagree with. I think it's related to a growing lack of intelligence; ignorant people are both intolerant and suspicious, and that usually leads to trouble. Sometimes, when the very survival of the tribe is on the chopping block, it can be necessary to become intolerant and suspicious. However, that should never be a day-to-day philosophy of life.
Living is easy with eyes closed.