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Old 06-05-2004, 08:42 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Don't worry about it.
De La Hoya VS Felix Sturm and Vegas Judges.

Well, if any ordered the fight tonight like I did, I was very, very upset with what I saw tonight.

I had the fight scored 115-113 for Felix Strum, so did Roy Jones, so did Lederman, and Larry Merchant. The ENTIRE HBO staff thought Sturm won the fight. I said in the 2nd round to all 7 other people in my home watching this fight, if it's close, no matter what happens, De La Hoya will probably win the 12th round, and the fight. WHaddya know. Vegas prevails.

Maybe this justifies the Mosley descision for DLH, maybe not. BUt Sturm won the fight, looking stronger, better, with a bigger jab, and DLH did nothing the entire fight but hit the body, and hit lots of gloves and forearms with combos.

Boxing sucks.

Now we get to watch De La Hoya make 40 million+ in a fight, quite frankly, I think he gets his head beat in at.

This is why I HATE De La Hoya fights. He's a hell of a fighter, but there is always some bullshit surrounding him.
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