CPU: Ok it is late in the year now, you really don't want to go with anything less than an AMD 64 or intel equivalent (which hasn't even been released yet)
SATA: Yes yes and yes, although no, the technology is not in full effect yet, and it isn't being used at full potential, it won't be long untill it is though. SATA is also ALOT thinner and neater than IDE cables running through your case. (ALSO GO WITH 8MB CACHE)
O/S: Windows XP Pro for the average power user. So yes to Pro.
RAM: Depends if you want performance. For performance but still cheap, pick up 2 sticks of OCz PC3500 Performance Ram (256mbx2 dual channel). No more and no less than 512mb. Please don't waste your money and buy 1 gig of ram. That would be the dumbest thing you can do unless you are into heavy video editing, because you will never notice a difference.
PSU: This is probably what you want to research in the most. You want high wattage, but WARNING, IF IT SAYS IT IS 400W FOR EXAMPLE BUT IT COSTS A LOT LESS THAN THE COMPETITION, ITS NOT 400W OR HAS BAD RAILS. Let me explain. You see, there are three different rails of voltages. 3v, 5v, and 12v. You want at least 16A on 12v, 25A+ on 3.3v, and 35A+ on 5V. Also, just because it says its 400W, that 400W can only be achieved at a certain operating temperature. Under crazy cooling, yes that cheapo psu might pump out 400W, however under normal operating temperatures it may only deliver 300W or less. Understand? Quality and stability are so important when buying powersupplies.
VideoCard: Don't buy straight ATI or NVIDIA brand, go with something offmarket that has a good review, like sapphire or something. Sapphire Atalantis Video cards are great, and considerably cheaper than ATI's version of the same board.
Motherboard: I would recommend abit (personal favorite) Remember to just review this alot, your mobo is the main part of the computer its important to get one that won't give you any trouble.
CDRW: Go for the off brands like liteon, they are ALOT cheaper but still provide unprecedented quality.
Any more questions, you can email us about computers, lan parties, or networking at
Hope I helped.