As the lead technician for a local computer repair and upgrade company, I have to say that I see the most problems with Western Digital Hard drives, as well as Seagate. However these are with older hard drives... <20Gb type older hard drives. I have yet to start seeing any problems with HDs >20GB really. It is my personal belief that HD manufacturers have overcome the majority of the problems of the past that caused frequent HD failures, and pretty much any major brand you buy now will be reliable for a few years... and really, a few years is about the life I want out of a HD. I upgrade my own personal HD aobut every 2 years... and keep my old HDs as a backup with all my data intact.
so my suggestion... dont wait for your HD to go bad, replace them before they have a chance to.
There are 10 types of people in this world... Those who understand Binary and those who dont.
I aim to please.. to bad for you I am a horrible shot.
Every time you open your mouth, stupid comes out.