Building New Computer - Hardware Questions
Alright, goin to college in the fall and I am going to be building a new computer.
I have a couple important questions though, not with the actual building process, but with software/hardware decisions.
First: Operating Systems: Windows XP Home or XP Professional? Do not suggest OSX or Linux, I am a Windows guy and I am not going to budge. Do I need to get the full version or the upgrade (I heard if you get the upgrade all you need is a CD of a pervious Windows).
Second: Video Card - I will not get the X800 or the 6800 as I do not want to spend upwards of $400 on a video card, I just want a video card that will handle some games (I do not play any of the hardcore graphic intensive games, ie. Doom3 or others). Probably a ATI 9800 Pro because I want one that will last a while as well.
Third: HDD - SATA vs. IDE - SATA is faster, but I heard from someone else that the SATA is faster in the theoretical speed of the data transfer and the data transfer has not surpassed the top IDE speed yet. So is SATA worth it yet? Choice so far would be a WD Special Edition 160 GB 8MB buffer.
Fourth: Power Supply - I have heard some definite horror stories in this department, mostly about certain brands. What are reliable brands and what brands should I stay away from? (I know sixate, if he reads this, will have a strong opinion on this subject as I have read from other threads)
Fifth: Processor - AMD vs. Intel
I do not plan on playing many games, so I am not sure what advantages I would get out of the FX series. Anybody also know when the Prescott comes out? Hopefully before August so the northwood prices shoot down.
Can't think of any more questions, so thanks for any help.
Oh, budge will probably be around $2000-$2500, depending on how much I am able to convince my parents to blow, er, spend on it. Bottom range is 2k though.
Brian Griffin: Ah, if my memory serves me, this is the physics department.
Chris Griffin: That would explain all the gravity.
Last edited by soccerchamp76; 06-01-2004 at 05:37 PM..