Originally posted by Wyodiver33
Doesn't Hitachi make the IBM "Deathstars?"
From some other message board:
"The Deathstar monicker came from the problem where the heads would land on the platters, then clamps down. When the heads would start to move again, they'd pull off the lubrication coating with them and cause fine scratches. The latest Hitachi drives have been made not to do this, and there is a firmware update to fix the older IBM drives as well.
Hitachi/IBM have actually fixed the old Deathstar problem with a firmware upgrade. The read heads no longer "land" on the platters for an extended period of time. If the drive is idle but not powered down, the heads will move back and forth to prevent then from pausing in one place and eroding the platter lubricant over time."
hmmm... I never even knew about that problem... Google rocks