WarWagon: here in Oklahoma, as long as the person is on your property you can tag them...doesn't matter if it's front or back.
Pacifier: When going through most concealed carry classes you are tought 1) If you pull your gun you better be willing to use it 2) Don't stop until they are on the ground and no longer a threat.
If the guy didn't fall until the last shot then continuing to shoot is justified. If however they can prove he was on the ground in like 5, and the other 10 were while he was on the ground, then the shooter would be toast.
pan: When using deadly force, you are authorized to do so if you feel there is dagner to your own life. the robber could have pulled out a pocket knife and the shooter could have done the same thing and been within his rights. It's about protecting your own life not about only being able to shoot someone 5 times.
Look at people on dope. They don't have the senses to know they've been shot so they keep coming at you. It takes a lot to stop these people.
BTW, there have been studies where after a police officer has been involved in a shooting, they are asked how many rounds they fired. The most common answers are 2 or 3, meanwhile in reality the officer has emptied his clip and reloaded. In this situation, all you do is react, you point and shoot and worry about counting when you're picking up the brass.
Last edited by hrdwareguy; 06-01-2004 at 11:45 AM..