Originally posted by Liquor Dealer
especially if one considers the comments by Canadian posters on this board, that it is probably close to the result one would have gotten from all Canadians east of Alberta.
You need to edit that.
You should say, "from all Canadians east AND WEST of Alberta.
You have obviously never been to British Columbia there LD.
For the record, I like Americans just fine. I find you an interesting lot, which is why i post here from time to time.
When 911 happened, i offered my house to billet any americans stranded without a place to go when US airspace was shut down. I gave money to a 911 charity that was set up here at the Royal Bank.
Maybe you should check out this site
I have helped many a lost American tourist find a good place to stay, or a good restaurant.
I just don't like the jingoistic rhetoric coming out of Washington and I am not to keen on the war on Iraq cause i figure that killing people is usually wrong, and i don't think it had come to that yet. Sorry if that makes you feel like we took a collective pee in your cheerios.