Sean SHEFFEY is a skateboarder who is pretty good or at least was at one time. I looked all over for a shirt with his name and found nothing. He rides now for a company called Krooked, but they sell his decks and no shirts as far as I could tell. He also has a Deck called "Girl" but he is a dude.
As far as I can tell, I did not find anyone in skateboarding anywhere that was named Sheffee.
If you want a shirt that says Sheffey on it, I am friends with the Editior of Transworld Skate and I can ask him if there are any out there and where to get one. If not, I will not call in the favor. He is always giving me stuff and I don't like to bug him b/c he is the type of guy who if I ask him, a t-shirt will show up on my doorstep and it makes me feel bad.
Oh yeah - and if by chance there is a "Sheffey" t-shirt out there, I bet it is all crazy and bright and weird looking. It is not going to just have the name I would not think. Just so you know in advance.
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.