My stance on the issue, is that I find it stupid that they're going to pull someone up, because they either forgot to come in costume or didn't want to.
Either way they shouldn't hold it against them, when in all seriousness.... these meetings are taking place right after an eight hour work day, and each last 3-4 hours each.
One meeting takes place at 6:15, and we usually get out at 6. Not to mention the fact that they're off site, so travel is involved. If a person forgets their costume in the morning, they're screwed.
I'm all set for the meetings, and know what I'm going to wear, but I find it stupid. There are no kids involved, it's just staff only.
My hope is that one of the higher-ups doesn't dress up, and that way I can call them on it, when they pick one of the newest staff people that just got hired. That way, they can feel what it's like to be ridiculed in front of everyone.