I talked with someone more keen on LED lights at work, and he corrected some of my mistakes.
LED lights come in two basic flavours. Single-colour LED lights. These are about 14 times more efficient than incandescent bulbs, but they generate basically a single frequency.
"White" LED lights are done by having a high energy LED that shines on a phosphorescent substance. The white light comes from the phosphor (or from the sum of the LED light and the phosphor).
Good quality white LED lights are only 2 to 4 times more efficient than incandescent bulbs.
The real advantage is, LED lights apparently last for a long time compared to incandescents. Another advantage is, you can make efficient extremely low brightness LEDs, while you can't do this with incandescent bulbs.
This post is based off hearsay evidence, but the person I heard it from is pretty reliable on these things (more than me!).
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.