You really need to consult a general physician or urologist for proper diagnosis and treatment, but what you describe sounds very much like paruresis -- the inability to urinate when others are standing nearby.
Other names for this condition are "psychogenic urinary retention" and "bashful bladder." The presence of strangers often leads to feelings of anxiety and shyness about the body. These in turn activate the body's fight-or-flight response, preventing urination.
Paruresis is considered a form of social phobic disorder, like fear of public speaking or going out on dates. Several kinds of treatment are available, though none have been extensively researched.
Cognitive-behavioral psychologists may help the phobic patient change the way he thinks about urinating -- for example, by showing that the problem is not catastrophic or ridiculous.
Finally, two drugs have been investigated for paruresis: atenolol and bethanechol. Atenolol is a blood-pressure medicine that has some antianxiety effects. Bethanechol helps the bladder contract. But the research into this type of medication is still very preliminary.
You may also want to have a cystogram, in which dye is injected into the bladder to reveal tumors or other obstructions. That would help you find out whether you're suffering from an underlying physical problem.