Sounds like you have a blocked epididymitis or orchitis.
When the epididymis becomes inflamed, it causes swelling, pain, burning urination, and even discharge from the urethra. Blockage of the ejaculatory ducts can result, causing either low or no sperm counts. The most common causes of epididymitis are chlamydia and gonorrhea. If caught early enough, antibiotics will cure the infection without leaving any damage. However, if the infection is left untreated, it could cause permanent scarring and blockages in the epididymal ducts.
Orchitis is usually caused by a viral infection, 90% of the time called mumps. You get swelling, pain in one or both testis. But there are other reasons including STD's. Another common reason for orchitis is your partner had a yeast infection that got passed to you and is now a viral infection.
I know you went to see the doctor but I would take this serious and see another Doctor and get tested for STD to be safe.