It's always possible that you COULD hide these things. Hell, I was able to stretch my ears to 0ga before my parents noticed that they'd gotten that big. And I hid a couple of large tattoos for almost three years.
But, the thing is, even if you can hide it, realize that you best be prepared for them finding out. Cause, chances are, eventually they're going to catch it. And when they do, you've gotta be ready for the consequences.
If you honestly think that they'll make you move out (and you're not ready for that) then wait. Because, it's pretty risky to just HOPE that they won't catch you.
I'm not gonna feed you any line about "respect their authority" because it would make me nothing but a damned hypocrite. I got the aforementioned tattoos and stretched ears, along with a lip ring and an eyebrow ring all against my parent's will while still living under their roof. Thankfully, they dealt with those issues. However, they did count as strikes against me when my grades fell in college, and they're a large part of the reason I'll be moving out in about 2 months.
So, if you really think it's worth it (which it may very well be), then go for it. But be ready if they do tell you to get the hell out.
it's all about self-indulgence