Originally posted by Viking1064
It is extremely obvious that this is a hoax just by using some logic. If Mississippi has an AVERAGE IQ of 85, that mean 50% of the population there is below 85. I have never been to Mississippi, but I do not have to be an idiot to realize there is no way that is possible.
Not entirely true... if Mississippi simply had a huge population of mentally retarded individuals the average would be lowered without half of the state population being lower than 85. You are correct in saying that they're obviously bogus though.
Random thought: anybody else having trouble believing that Publius has an IQ of 160.
"Hmm ... well again like I said I got suckered on this one because I didn't check the source and it was an email sent to my friend, so mistake on my part. Second, and just so I make this clear, it was not my intention to blame republicans for being "retarded" unless of course you think voting for Bush was a retarded thing to do., in which case I would fit that catagory as well. (oh here is a big shocker for some, I voted for BUSH! damn now dont that beat all?) I honesty thought this would be a good discussion topic but since it has turned out now to be, I say let it die... (a slow and long whiny death now doupt)"