While I agree with you on the bias Onetime, I do think the military men coming out need listened to and just to see what they have to say and then be judged.
As my post tries to say, I have come to the conclusion that the partisan politics and hatred is being fed to us by the same people. They make the millions playing both sides against each other promoting hatred and blindness so that they can continue to totally rape us all.
Ok here's an example.
Onetime and I are running clubs. Hottest clubs in town, but not much difference between us.
Now Onetime and I are so powerful tho we end up buying all the other clubs and shutting them down (or we send Johnny "No Nose" to torch them).
So it's just Onetime's Tiki Lounge and Pan's Gin Joint. But there still isn't much difference.
So Onetime and I hate each other and are so greedy, we want to completely destroy the other, but we are both so strong that we can't do it like we did to the others (extortion, buy out, etc.).
So Onetime gets his regs and finds some of my old clients ( drunks who I kicked out) and they start badmouthing me. So I do the same to Onetime.
The people, who never went to our clubs start paying attention to these "wars" Onetime and I have. They start going to our clubs, to check out what all the hype is about and business for both of us picks up.
Meanwhile, Onetime and I are buying up the whole town and county.
Onetime and I see each other at the country club and realize that by having these "wars" with each other we both have gotten so much publicity that business has never been better for either of us.
Onetime and I on the 15th green decide that, if we keep up the hate and the competition of "I'm better follow me" that it would be far better for business than one of us going under because then noone would care and business would fall completely. Maybe someone else would come in and the people would like the new guy even better and the winner would end up losing to him.
So Onetime and I decide to split everything up, maintain a public "we hate each other" while in the back rooms we laugh at how much we are making over all this.
But then we have guys who were in our managements trying to tell everyone what is going on. So I take Onetime's stoolies and put them out, BUT I also show them to have bad histories and not be very trustworthy, so people can blow them off and blow holes in their stories, and the truth gets completely buried and unheard. Onetime does the same top my stoolies. Of course we hype the stoolies publicly as much as possible and our sides each love the others stoolies, but between Onetime and I the stoolies don't know the REAL truth.
Now it's the same with politics. If I blindly follow the Left and he blindly follows the Right. We stay at each others throats looking at who's doing what while the leaders of the parties split up the kitty and laugh at how much they are taking in and what they are truly getting away with.
Drawn out, and in my paranoidal delusional mind it makes sense, but I do have a hard time getting it from up there to out here in a way that probably sounds sane and clear.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
Last edited by pan6467; 05-28-2004 at 04:37 AM..