I didn't like the competition for chairs.
Highest I made was #2, and that was briefly.
Third chair was my home.
I couldn't ever beat Stephen ---------, the assh@|3, to become #1.
It caused some resentment on my part.
Plus, he had a silverplated t-bone that I coveted.
Originally posted by bernadette
Clay is good, but i think he belongs on broadway or at least i think that's where his style would be best employed rather than the pop charts. but what do i know?
That's what I believe, too. You can just picture him on stage.
Originally posted by bernadette
hey ladies!!! listen up here... trombone players <i>really</i> know how to use their lips.
i'm betting Fremen is a really great kisser...
Now you're making me blush.
I betcha my embouchure is still up to the task, though.