Originally posted by ARTelevision
As far as I am concerned, children are raised by the mass media. Period.
The silly romantic idea that parents still do anything that remotely competes with the processes of acculturation is a self-congratulatory myth.
Only if you let your children be raised by the media.
For starters, you controll, and converse with your children about what they have been exposed to. You guide them into understanding.
You set boundaries. You punish when the boudaries have been broken. YOU DONT WARN excessivly. One warning more then enough.
You dont YELL constantly...
You talk to your kids. And then you listen. And then you talk. And then you listen. And listen.
Your kids will tell you what they need if you listen hard enough.
Of course, you kids will be effected by the media, but its the parents resposibity to GUIDE them through the muck....
And I cant say enough, LISTEN LISTEN.