05-26-2004, 05:01 PM
#11 (permalink)
Location: Kingston, Ontario
Originally posted by asudevil83
i was with my mom about 2 months ago and we were at a Circle K. she drives a PT Cruiser, and that thing has pretty much no visiblility in the back, and this parking lot we were parked in is pretty fucking small (only 6 parking spots, and a big ass sign in the way) and on a bit of an incline. so, she was backing out of her spot, and this CAB was just chilling behind her, RIGHT BEHIND HER, just sitting there. i dont know why, but i'll just tell you that he was a moron.
so she backs out, and bumps this cab. nothing bad. she breaks one of the small brake lights on her bumper and nothing else. and this cab has so chipped paint. BUT this cab was fucked up anyway. the bumper was crooked, it had headlights taken out on the other side. paint scruffs, chips, and dents all over it, and where it had been patched, the paint didnt match.
so this cab driver insists on taking her information (insurance and all the bullshit) and has to call a fucking adjuster to come out to the scene and take a look at it. oh yeah, and he calls the cops....the fucking cops for nothing. the cops say they wont come because its on private property and it was nothing. we were there for probably 45 minutes waiting for this fucker, and we decide to leave because we couldnt do anything, and our house was literally down the street. we come to find out that the cab was there for another 2 hours taking up 3 parking spots along with this adjuster guy. the Circle K owner (whom we happen to be friends with) tells these guys to leave because he's hurting business.
i was pissed....we took pictures with our camera.....and we never heard anything about it again. this just goes to show that people can fucking freak out over absolutely nothing and make things as difficult as possible because of something stupid that they did. now i'm not saying that my mom wasnt at fault....but come on, who the fuck parks STOPS right behind a car on an incline?
I though you only call the cops if there is more then like 3000 dollars damage?