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Old 05-26-2004, 10:30 AM   #13 (permalink)
Banned from being Banned
Location: Donkey
(The following is my opinion. I am sorry if I offend anyone)

"He was a sk8er boi, she said see u l8tr boi."

IMO, anyone who writes lyrics like that is a no talent goon. You can try to sprinkle sugar on shit, but in the end, it's still shit. She's no more punk than Aaron Carter is if he were to sing, "My mom took away my gameboy because I didn't do my homework. She's so stupid."

You can't just say, "She's singing about alienation from her perspective, so it's punk." I'd classify it as kiddie punk. There's a difference between singing about alienation in society vs. alienation by your parents because you got a bad report card and now you're grounded.

Would I rather my kid listen to Britney or Avril? Both have an equally negative effect, so neither. I think kids need to be educated about good music and to stay away from the canned acts.

It's a sad state of affairs in the music industry when you actualy try to dissect Avril Lavigne and attempt to justify the exec's decision to throw her in the "punk" category of music.
I love lamp.
Stompy is offline  

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