Thanks so much for all the info so far. I'll check heavily into craig's list.
and yeah, i know what you mean about apartments going up and being rented within a day. Part of the reason i am doing this is for a friend who is on 104th and ..wel darnit, she didn't tell me the cross street, but i think it's broadway or amsterdam. Part of the main reason for my going is to be in manhattan. I completely understand the cost of living there, and i understand, but like i said, it's only for a short time and i have enough extra cash to do it outright, but i would like to have some form of income while i am there.
Now, i will say that i don't mind livnig in other areas of manhattan, as long as they aren't harlem or some of the seedier places. Fort washington or inwood sounds like something i'll look into. Upper west side is just the area i am most familiar with at the moment and it's near where my friend lives.
Thanks for the info on the lincoln center. I have sent in for the mostly mozart festival, metro opera and ballet and perf arts library. I think i'll start at the top and give each one a call and explain the situation and see what they can do for me and I for them.
Wow, you all have been so helpful, keep it coming