You're mother is an adult. As such, you should just leave it alone as long as her behavior doesn't become violent or self destructive, which it doesn't sound like it is. All other factors are pretty much irrelevant, I think. Also, maybe it's because she *is* strict with power and the like, pinches pennies, and cheats on coupons that she can afford to do it. I'd also lay good money on your father knowing. Also, just because a parent chooses to do something, it in no way means they should be less diligent in stopping that behavior in their 15-16 year old daughter (your sister).
Do you and your sister work? It could be that the refusal to buy you things stems from a belief that it's time you start making your own spending money.
You're 18. Your sister is 2 years younger. It's completely natural to find things to resent, dislike, or rage against in your parents. But, as long as it's doing you no harm, you've got no right to stick your nose in it. I gotta say I don't think your mom is in the right either though. While it's certainly her choice to participate in this behavior, buying pot off your teenage daughters friend is *not* the way to go about it.
" ' Big Mouth.
Remember it took three of you to kill me.
A god, a boy, and, last and least, a hero.' "