There is no way to measure your BF% however, I will give you a good way to tell your BF%, look at your body!
4-6%- obvious striations in muscles, may be able to see tendons, visible 6 pack maybe 8 pack can see hip flexors and almost every muscle in the body with extreme definition
6-8%- visible 6 pack without flexing heavy definition everywhere, veins appear in almost all muscles flexed and some unflexed
8-10%- Genetically this one varies, some people have visible 6 packs some have no abs, the best way to tell is just the feeling, if you have heavy definition and when you flex your abs you can see them then your probaly in this range
12-14%- decent definition in most muscles, you can see splits and you look rather fit but you have no abdominals except maybe flexed you can see the top 2
14-18%-Some definition bit of fat, really no way to describe this your body appears to be in a sense connected, you appear how shall I say average looking, some veins show up in wrist etc (although this has more to do with a tan etc), if you cant see your abdominals flexed then your probaly in this range or above
18%+ - Really no way to describe this you have a belly and quite a bit of fat, but since genetics plays a crucial role in where the fat is spread its a bit random.
there is no accurate BF% measurment device, my scale reads my at 10% on some days and im really closer to 15% ide say, Ide love to be 10% but it is very obvious im not, calipers are the same way, there are VERY few people who have mastered them to perfection where they can get you within 1% however, the biggest problem is genetics, some people store fat in odd places calipers dont check they are run on the same general rules as the scale: estimations based on the average body.
Underwater testing: about accurate to 3% depending on your activity, the biggest problem is the way underwater testing is done is a very complex equation is used however, the equation is based on only 5 people and is once again based on averages, the equation is very close to accurate but it can still be off by up to 3% ide say.
Overall, the only real way to tell your BF% is abdominals since they tend to follow the BF% ratios the closest compared to other body parts which lose fat at different rates.
and no, set down the oreos unless you want cancer, you have any idea how many free radicals are in those gay things?
Last edited by cait987; 05-24-2004 at 03:24 PM..