Several things to think about:
1) You have a man that feels very strongly for you. Treasure that! Good men, and women for that matter, are hard to find.
2) You can't judge your current relationship on past experiences. The girl he was with before had nothing to do with your current situation so you can't compare yourself to her and the relationship they once had.
3) Don't take offense, but the two of you seem young. Perhaps early 20's? You have all the time in the world to figure things out.
4) Keep the lines of communication open. Talk to your boyfriend about the way you feel. I am sure he will reassure you that you are the love of his life and will reaffirm what has been said in my first 3 points.
I recommend you stay with him. Seems like you do like him and feel strongly for him but have some slight "wet feet" about being together. This feeling is likely to come and go as you build your relationship together. One day things will be completely fine, the next day you might have some apprehension. It is completely normal to have those feelings. Go with your gut instinct.
I wish you the best.
-Homer Simpson