West Wing, unfortunately, has peaked.
I don't watch to much television other than sports but this show has captivated me from the start. And its the writing that does it. Its so smart - but not over your head smart - that you need to sometimes think for a second to get the bigger point the writer is offering.
Sorkin was the show. Unlike others where a team of writers write a script a week, he wrote everything, everyone else just edited, etc. He will be sorely missed. Its a great shame that egos had to get in the way. This show is a great outlet for Sorkin, who has a great mind for this stuff. Supposedly, and if your a fan you know all about this, Sorkin had trouble delivering scripts on time. This is why West Wing has alot of trouble keeping an audience, its only new a few times a month.
It will be different from now on. And someone gets kidnapped in the next episode? I don't know. Too much drama for me, not enough of the witty tongues and smart plots that made the show so great.
Show is guarenteed through this season and the next. After that, NBC may not renew.